Fence Repairs Completed

Thank you for your patience as the fence repairs were completed over January 2 and January 3, 2024. The park is back in full operations. Your generous donations to Canine Corners Dog Park helped fund the fence repair between the all-dog and small dog fence area running from the front gate area of the all-dog section up to the middle […]

Fence Repair

Canine Corners will be temporary closed January 2, 2024 (Tuesday) for the day to repair the fence between the large and small dog areas running between the two gates. Canine Corners Dog Park will be open on January 3, 2024 (Wednesday) for normal usage and operation. We appreciate everyone’s patience over the many months this has taken to get schedule […]

We’re Back

Canine Corners Dog Park has an issue with our previous hosting platform and have fully migrated our website to a new host with better security and also better pricing. We are happy to be back online and are still finalizing pages and overall redesign of the website. We look forward to see you at the park!